Invited speaker: Judit Freixa Aymerich

Inaugural lecture: The lexical innovation of Catalan in metaphors

In the first part of the presentation we will see how the metaphor of the glacier (Zaefferer, 2021) helps us to place the lexical innovation of Catalan within the phenomenon of linguistic change that affects all languages. We will see how the language gains and loses elements in a natural way, and how it rubs against other languages. With the metaphor of the life cycle (Renouf, 2013), we will dedicate the central part of the presentation to analyze the different stages through which a neologism passes from its birth to its death (which can be the disappearance or entry into the dictionary). In this life cycle, the neologism must grow from a social, grammatical and cognitive point of view (Schmid, 2008). But, as we will see with the talent contest metaphor (Kerremans, 2015), not all neologisms experience a similar development: some have short-lived success, others become necessary and others have an unstable course, and the its success will not depend exclusively on its intrinsic value.

Membership and charges
Full Professor (Dept. Translation and Language Sciences – Pompeu Fabra University)
Principal Researcher of the IULATERM group
Director of the Neology Observatory
Specialist in Lexicon (Neology, Terminology, Lexicography, Variation)

Directed research projects:
Lexical – Neology and dictionary: analysis for the lexicographic update of Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-118954RB-I00), 2021-2024
GARBELL – Neologisms for updating the normative dictionary
Institute of Catalan Studies (PR2015-S04-FREIXA), 2018-2021
Neómetro – Measuring the neologism and dictionaryability of Spanish neologisms
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2016-79129-P), 2017-2020
NADIC – Neologisms for updating the normative dictionary
Institute of Catalan Studies (PR2015-S04-FREIXA), 2015-2017

Publications (selection of recent years):

Freixa, Judit (2022). «Garbell: l’avaluador automàtic de neologismes catalans». Terminàlia, 26. 7-16.

Freixa, Judit (2022). «The Dictionarisation of Neologisms: The NADIC as a Model». En: Freixa, Judit; Martines, Josep; Guardiola, M. Isabel; Montané, M. Amor (2022). The Dictionarisation of Catalan Neologisms. Peter Lang.

Freixa, Judit (2022). «El proceso neológico». En: Bernal, Elisenda; Freixa, Judit; Torner, Sergi (2022) La neología del español: del uso al diccionario. Iberoamericana, 51-71. ISBN: 978-84-9192-268-1.

Freixa, Judit (2022). «Causes of terminological variation». En: Faber, Pamela. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 399-420.

Bernal, Elisenda; Freixa, Judit (2022). «Anglicismos en los medios de comunicación». En: Rodríguez González, Félix. Anglicismos en el español contemporáneo. Una visión panorámica. Peter Lang, 45-64.

Bernal, Elisenda; Freixa, Judit; Torner, Sergi (2022) La neología del español: del uso al diccionario. Iberoamericana.

Bueno, Pedro J.; Freixa, Judit (2022). «Lexicographic detection and representation of Spanish neologisms in the COVID-19 pandemic». Lexicographica. Series Maior, 163, 73-92.

Freixa, Judit; Monterrubio, Juan Miguel (2022). «Sobre ciber– en español: su naturaleza como unidad lingüística y análisis de las formaciones en las que interviene». Iberoromania, 95, 61-75.

Freixa, Judit; Martines, Josep; Guardiola, M. Isabel; Montané, M. Amor (eds.) (2022). The Dictionarisation of Catalan Neologisms. Peter Lang.

Quirion, Jean; Freixa, Judit (2021) «Les politiques terminologiques dans les langues minorisées. Étude comparée de la Catalogne et du Québec». A: Agost, Rosa; Rouz, David (eds.). Traductologie, terminologie et traduction. Classiques Garnier, 35-50. ISBN: 978-2-406-11223-5.

Bernal, Elisenda; Freixa, Judit; Torner, Sergi (2020). «Criterios para la diccionarización de neologismos: de la teoría a la práctica». Signos, 53 (104). p. 592-618.

Bernal, Elisenda; Freixa, Judit; Torner, Sergi (2020). «Néologicité et dictionnarisabilité. Deux conditions inverses?». Neologica, 14. p. 47-60.

Bueno, Pedro J.; Freixa, Judit (2020). «¿Son neologismos los ocasionalismos?». En: Guerrero, Gloria; Pérez Lagos, Fernando. (coord.) (2020). Terminología, Neología y Traducción. Madrid: Comares.

Freixa, Judit; Freixas, Martí; Solivellas, Ivan (2020). «Autonomia i heteronomia en la innovació lèxica catalana». Catalan Review, 34. p. 99-117.

Freixa, Judit; Torner, Sergi (2020). «Beyond frequency: on the dictionarization of new words in Spanish». Dictionaries 41 (1). 131-153.